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Key features:
  • Unlimited locations
  • Track up to 10 containers
  • Attach up to 3 pictures per container



Key features:
  • Unlimited locations and containers
  • Attach up to 10 pictures per container
  • Export and share boxes and locations
  • Premium account can be used across multiple devices
  • Ads-free experience
  • Priority support

Apple, Mac and Android

Box & Storage Organization

Garage, Attic & Storage Unit

Home Organization

If you want to know anything about us

Why do I need an app for organizing storage?

Managing physical storage can be overwhelming. Our app helps you track box locations, contents, and categories all in one place, saving you time and stress.

What's the process that the app helps you with?

You can either use a marker to write a number on, or use a QR sticker to uniquely identify each container. You can search, sort and group by a variety of options, and display the details and pictures for any container you want. Also, using the built in scanner you can scan QR codes and the app will show you what is inside that box.

What are some advanced features of the app?

Users with a PREMIUM subscription get access to features like unlimited boxes, up to 10 photos per container, exports, sharing, and much more!

Is it complicated to get started?

Absolutely not! Download the app, log in, and start tracking your storage boxes and containers and never worry about it again.

How can I organize my storage boxes and containers?

You you enter am item, you indicate what type of container it is, the room it came from, the category of what it contains and the contents. You can search by any of these to find exactly what you are looking for.

Can I attach pictures to a storage item?

Of course, and it's easy to do. You can take or attach up to 3 pictures in the FREE version, and up to 10 pictures with a PREMIUM subscription. It's easy to find what you're looking for without having to search randomly through a box.

How many locations or containers can I track?

With the free version, you can add as many locations you want, but there is a limit of 10 containers total. With the PREMIUM version, you can created unlimited locations and an unlimited number of boxes.

Do I need an account to use the app?

Yes. You can use your Google Email, Apple iCloud, or a traditional email/password to log in. This allows you to access your information from any phone, tablet or Mac computer that you log into the app from. Additionally, your data is secured using Google's Cloud-based systems.